Conquer tortuosity

Stent Coronario

SupraFlex Cruz

Stent Coronario de Struts  de Cr-Co liberador de Fármaco Sirolimus sobre polímero reabsorbible multicapa.

Logo Supraflex Cruz

Fuerza de empuje media en Newton para stents con longitud de 38 a 40 mm.

Los resultados de las pruebas comparativas pueden no ser necesariamente indicativos del rendimiento clínico. Prueba realizada y datos archivados en Sahajanand Medical Technologies Ltd. Pruebas realizadas en el sistema de stent Supraflex Cruz (2,50 x 40 mm) n=5, el sistema de stent Ultimaster (2,5 x 38 mm) n=4, el sistema de stent Orsiro (2,50 x 40 mm) n=5, sistema de stent Xience Sierra (2,5 x 38 mm) n=4, sistema de stent Xience Xpedition (2,5 x 38 mm) n=5, sistema de stent Resolute Onyx (2,5 x 38 mm) n=4, stent Synergy Sistem (2,5 x 38 mm) n=5. La prueba de rendimiento del catéter mide la fuerza promedio para cruzar un modelo de trayectoria compleja.

‘”Supraflex Cruz exhibió la mas baja fuerza de empuje media necesaria para pasar el dispositivo en comparación con otros DES ampliamente utilizados” - Datos publicados en Future Cardiology

Enlace Patentado “LDZ”

Diseño de Celda Abierta

pioneros en las tecnologías de
polímeros biodegradables

Mezcla única de Polímeros Biodegradables hidrófilos-hidrófobos

Fármaco: Sirolimus Dosis de fármaco: 1.4 μg/mm2

Aproximádamente el 80% del fármaco se libera en el primer mes. El fármaco restante está programado para liberarse durante los próximos 2 meses. Diseñado para cubrir todo el proceso de cicatrización de la pared vascular

Sección transversal del Strut


NIH: Neointimal hyperplasia

  1. Abhyankar, A, Abizaid, A, Chamié, D, Patel, G. Healing and early stent coverage after strut biodegradable polymer‐coated sirolimus‐eluting stent implantation: SiBi optical coherence tomography study. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2020; 1– 8.
  2.  Presented at EuroPCR 2019, 22 May 2019 12:15 – 13:15 Room 243 / Level 2



VASO PEQUEÑO (4 CORONAS)2.00/2.253.25
VASO MEDIANO (6 CORONAS)2.50/2.75/3.00/3.504.25
VASO GRANDE (8 CORONAS4.00/4.505.50


FGTZ200008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 08 MM2.00 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ200012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 12 MM2.00 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ200016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 16 MM2.00 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ200020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 20 MM2.00 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ200024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 24 MM2.00 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ200028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 28 MM2.00 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ200032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 32 MM2.00 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ200036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 36 MM2.00 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ200040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 40 MM2.00 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ200044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 44 MM2.00 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ200048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.00 MM X 48 MM2.00 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ225008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 08 MM2.25 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ225012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 12 MM2.25 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ225016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 16 MM2.25 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ225020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 20 MM2.25 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ225024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 24 MM2.25 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ225028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 28 MM2.25 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ225032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 32 MM2.25 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ225036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 36 MM2.25 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ225040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 40 MM2.25 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ225044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 44 MM2.25 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ225048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 48 MM2.25 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ250008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 08 MM2.50 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ250012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 12 MM2.50 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ250016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 16 MM2.50 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ250020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 20 MM2.50 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ250024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 24 MM2.50 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ250028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 28 MM2.50 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ250032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 32 MM2.50 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ250036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 36 MM2.50 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ250040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 40 MM2.50 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ250044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 44 MM2.50 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ250048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.25 MM X 48 MM2.50 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ275008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 08 MM2.75 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ275012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 12 MM2.75 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ275016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 16 MM2.75 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ275020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 20 MM2.75 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ275024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 24 MM2.75 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ275028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 28 MM2.75 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ275032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 32 MM2.75 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ275036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 36 MM2.75 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ275040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 40 MM2.75 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ275044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 44 MM2.75 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ275048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 2.75 MM X 48 MM2.75 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ300008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 08 MM3.00 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ300012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 12 MM3.00 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ300016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 16 MM3.00 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ300020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 20 MM3.00 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ300024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 24 MM3.00 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ300028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 28 MM3.00 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ300032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 32 MM3.00 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ300036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 36 MM3.00 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ300040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 40 MM3.00 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ300044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 44 MM3.00 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ300048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.00 MM X 48 MM3.00 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ350008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 08 MM3.50 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ350012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 12 MM3.50 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ350016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 16 MM3.50 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ350020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 20 MM3.50 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ350024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 24 MM3.50 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ350028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 28 MM3.50 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ350032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 32 MM3.50 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ350036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 36 MM3.50 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ350040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 40 MM3.50 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ350044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 44 MM3.50 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ350048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 3.50 MM X 48 MM3.50 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ400008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 08 MM4.00 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ400012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 12 MM4.00 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ400016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 16 MM4.00 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ400020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 20 MM4.00 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ400024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 24 MM4.00 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ400028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 28 MM4.00 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ400032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 32 MM4.00 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ400036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 36 MM4.00 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ400040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 40 MM4.00 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ400044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 44 MM4.00 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ400048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.00 MM X 48 MM4.00 MM X 48 MM
FGTZ450008SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 08 MM4.50 MM X 08 MM
FGTZ450012SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 12 MM4.50 MM X 12 MM
FGTZ450016SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 16 MM4.50 MM X 16 MM
FGTZ450020SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 20 MM4.50 MM X 20 MM
FGTZ450024SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 24 MM4.50 MM X 24 MM
FGTZ450028SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 28 MM4.50 MM X 28 MM
FGTZ450032SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 32 MM4.50 MM X 32 MM
FGTZ450036SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 36 MM4.50 MM X 36 MM
FGTZ450040SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 40 MM4.50 MM X 40 MM
FGTZ450044SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 44 MM4.50 MM X 44 MM
FGTZ450048SUPRAFLEX CRUZ 4.50 MM X 48 MM4.50 MM X 48 MM


Para ser parte de la vida de un paciente, primero debe ser parte de rigurosos niveles de ensayos clínicos. Nuestros parámetros médicos y de calidad nos vinculan a stents de última generación que ofrecen salud y bienestar para toda la vida.
Estudios sobre SupraFlex Cruz

Healing and early stent coverage after ultrathin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent implantation: SiBi optical coherence tomography study Abhyankar A, Abizaid A, Chamie D, et al. Catheter Cardiovasc lnterv. 2020 Nov 28. doi: 10.1002/ccd.29371.

Comparison of neointimal coverage between ultrathin biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents and durable polymer-coated everolimus-eluting stents: 6 months optical coherence tomography follow-up from the TAXCO study  Abhyankar A, Abizaid A, Chamie D, et al. Catheter Cardiovasc lnterv. 2021 Feb 15;97(3):423-30.

Clinical outcomes in 995 unselected real-world patients treated with an ultrathin biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent: 12-month results from the FLEX. Registry Lemos PA, Chandwani P, Saxena S, et al. BMJ Open. 2016 Feb 17;6{2):e010028. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen- 2015-010028.

Early vascular healing with biodegradable polymer coated sirolimus-eluting coronary stent implantation: assessed by optical coherence tomography results at 4-month follow-up Abhyankar A, Prajapati J, Reddy S, et al. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2013 Jun;61(3):313-22.

A prospective multicenter randomized all-comers trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of the thin-strut sirolimus­eluting coronary stent SUPRAFLEX: rationale and design of the TALENT trial Modolo R, Chichareon P, Kogame N, et al. Eurolntervention. 2019 Jul 20;15(4):e362-e369.

Safety and efficacy of a sirolimus-eluting coronary stent with ultra-thin strut for treatment of atherosclerotic lesions (TALENT): a prospective multicentre randomised controlled trial Zaman A, de Winter RJ, Kogame N, et al. Lancet. 2019 Mar 9;393(10175):987-97.

Prospective Multicenter Randomized All-Comers Trial to Assess the Safety and Effectiveness of the Ultra-Thin Strut Sirolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent Supraflex: Two-Year Outcomes of the TALENT Trial Gao C, Kogame N, Sharif F, et al. Circ Cardiovasc lnterv. 2021 Mar  9: CIRCINTERVENTIONS120010312. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.010312

Sirolimus-eluting stents with ultrathin struts versus everolimus-eluting stents for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: final three-year results of the TALENT trial EuroIntervention. 2022 Mar 15:EIJ-D-21-00766.

A randomized controlled trial to compare the safety and efficacy of sirolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer ultra-thin stent (SUPRAFLEX Cruz) and everolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer stent (SYNERGY) in treatment for three-vessel coronary artery disease: design of the Multivessel TALENT trial Hara H, Gao C, Kogame N, et al. Eurolntervention. 2020 Dec 18;16(12):e997-e1004.

Physiology-guided revascularization versus optimal medical therapy of nonculprit lesions in elderly patients with myocardial infarction: Rationale and design of the FIRE trial Biscaglia S, Guiducci V, Santarelli A, et al. Am Heart J. 2020 Nov;229:100-109.

Very late outcomes of drug-eluting stents coated with biodegradable polymers: insights from the 5-year follow-up of the randomized PAINT trial Marchini JF, Gomes WF, Moulin B, et al. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2014 Dec;4(6):480-6.

Late clinical outcomes after implantation of drug-eluting stents coated with biodegradable polymers: 3-year follow-up of the PAINT randomized trial Lemos PA, Moulin B, Perin MA, et al. Eurolntervention. 2012 May 15;8(1):117-9.

Randomized evaluation of two drug-eluting stents with identical metallic platform and biodegradable polymer but different agents (Paclitaxel or Sirolimus) compared against bare stents: 1-Year results of the PAINT trial Lemos PA, Moulin B, Perin MA, et al. Catheter Cardiovasc lnterv. 2009 Nov 1;74(5):665-73.

Prospective evaluation of an ultrathin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent: 12 months’ results from the S-FLEX UK registry Choudhury A, Garg S, Smith J, et al.  BMJ Open. 2019 Oct 11;9(10):e026578. doi: 10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-026578.

Clinical outcomes in 995 unselected real-world patients treated with an ultrathin biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent: 12-month results from the FLEX Registry Lemos PA, Chandwani P, Saxena S, et al. BMJ Open. 2016 Feb 17;6(2):e010028. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010028.

The ultra-thin strut sirolimus-eluting coronary stent: SUPRAFLEX doi 10.2217/fca-2019-0083. Device evaluation. Future of Cardiology

A randomised controlled trial of the sirolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer ultra-thin Supraflex stent versus the everolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer SYNERGY stent for three-vessel coronary artery disease: rationale and design of the Multivessel TALENT trial. Eurointervention 2020 Dec 18;16(12):e997-e1004. DOI: 10.4244/EIJ-D-20-00772.

Twelve months clinical outcomes of “Nano-crush technique” for the treatment of bifurcation lesions using ultra-thin (60 μm) sirolimus-eluting coronary stents. Minerva Cardiol Angiol. 2022 Feb 25. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5683.21.05875-0.

Clinical outcomes of ultrathin biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents in an all-comer population: One-year results from the T-FLEX registry including high-risk subgroups. Anatol J Cardiol . 2021 Oct;25(10):706-715.

Ultrathin (60 μm), ultralong (≥40 mm) sirolimus-eluting stent: study of clinical and safety profiles among real-world patients. Anatol J Cardiol. 2021 Feb;25(2):111-119.

Real-World Use Of Ultrathin-Strut Biodegradable Polymer-Coated Sirolimus-Eluting Stents In Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: 6-Month Clinical Outcomes Vasc Health Risk Manag 2019 Oct 18;15:439-447.Prakash Ajmera 1Ramesh Pothineni 2Kamal Kumar Chawla 1Sai Sudhakar Mantravadi 3Pankaj Vinod Jariwala 4Vinod Vijan 5Vikrant Vijan 5 DOI: 10.2147/VHRM.S200699.

Twelve-month clinical outcomes of sirolimus-eluting stent in coronary artery disease: An experience in real-world Indian patients Srikanth Nathani 1Asif Raheem 2Harish Sanadhya 3Prakash Chandra Purohit 3Ramesh Patel 3Praveen K Alane 4Deepeshkumar Agarwal 5Ramanand Sinha 5DOI: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2020.98452.

Impact of ultra-long sirolimus-eluting stents on coronary artery lesions: one-year results of real-world FLEX-LONG Study Minerva Med. 2020 Dec;111(6):529-535. DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4806.20.06333-8.

Three-year outcomes of biodegradable polymer-coated ultra-thin (60 μm) sirolimus-eluting stents in real-world clinical practice Ann Acad Med Singapore 2019;48:150-155.

Clinical outcomes and complications of treatment with supraflex stent in patients with coronary artery disease: One-year follow-up.  Eur J Transl Myol. 2019 PMID: 313549 PMCID: PMC6615074DOI: 10.4081/ejtm.2019.8231.

Preliminary evaluation of clinical and angiographic outcomes with biodegradable polymer coated sirolimus-eluting stent in de novo coronary artery disease: Results of the MANIPAL-FLEX Study Scientifica (Cairo). 2016;2016:9324279.

Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Following Single versus Multivessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Using Biodegradable Polymer Coated Sirolimus-Eluting Stent in an All-comers Patient Population. Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem. 2016;14(1):39-48.

“Twelve months clinical outcomes of Nano Crush Technique for the treatment of bifurcation lesions using ultra-thin (60 micras) Sirolimus eluting coronary stents. Minerva cardiology and angiology 2022 feb 25, DOI: 10.23736/S2724-5683.21.05875-0”.

Side-branch expansion capacity of contemporary DES platforms. Öner et al. Eur J Med Res

Complete or Culprit-only PCI in Older Patients with Myocardial Infarction. THE FIRE TRIAL.
Metanálisis que incluyen el estudio TALENT:

Long term outcomes of ultrathin versus standard thickness second-generation drug eluting stents: Meta-analysis of randomized trials. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;1–12. DOI: 10.1002/ccd.29866

Long-termfollow-up after ultrathin vs conventional 2nd-generation drug-eluting stents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.  European Heart Journal (2021) 00, 1–12. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab280.

– Clinical Outcomes of Biodegradable Polymer-coated Ultrathin Strut Sirolimus-eluting Stents in a Real-world Patient Population: T-Flex Registry Three-year Results with High-Risk Subgroups.
Abstracts of EuroPCR 2022, Scientific Abstract e-Book (Euro22A-POS171). Type: Registry View Link

– Prospective Evaluation of Ultrathin-strut Biodegradable Polymer-coated Sirolimus-eluting Stents in an All-comers Patient Population: Slovakia Registry with a Subgroup Analysis.
Abstracts of EuroPCR 2022, Scientific Abstract e-Book (Euro22A-POS147). Type: Registry View Link

– Evaluation of Novel Ultrathin, Biodegradable Polymer-Coated Tetriflex Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Optimization Using Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) in Short Coronary Lesions (<20 mm) vs. Long Coronary Lesions (≥20 mm): Tetriflex IVUS Study.
Abstracts of EuroPCR 2022, Scientific Abstract e-Book (Euro22A-POS228).
Type: Intravascular Ultrasound Study View Link

– Twelve months clinical outcomes of “Nano-crush technique” for the treatment of bifurcation lesions using ultra-thin (60 μm) sirolimus-eluting coronary stents.
Minerva Cardiol Angiol. 2022 Feb 25. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5683.21.05875-0.
Type: Registry View Link

– Clinical outcomes of ultrathin biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents in an all-comer population: One-year results from the T-FLEX registry including high-risk subgroups.
Anatol J Cardiol . 2021 Oct;25(10):706-715. Type: Registry View Link

– Prospective evaluation of the Supraflex Family sirolimus-eluting coronary stent system in a ‘real-world’ patient population: Interim analysis from the S-FLEX Netherlands Registry.
Abstracts of EuroPCR 2021, Scientific Abstract e-Book (Euro21A-POS251). Type: Registry View Link

– Ultrathin Sirolimus-eluting Stent in Real-world CAD patients: 12 months.
Results Abstracts of EuroPCR 2021, Scientific Abstract e-Book (Euro21A-POS276). Type: Registry View Link

– Ultrathin (60 μm), ultralong (≥40 mm) sirolimus-eluting stent: study of clinical and safety profiles among real-world patients.
Anatol J Cardiol. 2021 Feb;25(2):111-119. Type: Registry View Link

– Healing and early stent coverage after ultrathin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent implantation: SiBi optical coherence tomography study.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021 Dec 1;98(7):1335-1342. Type: Optical Coherence Tomography Study View Link

– Comparison of neointimal coverage between ultrathin biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents and durable polymer-coated everolimus-eluting stents: 6 months optical coherence tomography follow-up from the TAXCO study.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021 Feb 15;97(3):423-430.
Type: Optical Coherence Tomography Study View Link

– Twelve months clinical outcomes after implantation of long ultra-thin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents in atherosclerotic coronary lesions.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS703) Type: Registry View Link

– Performance of ultra-thin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent in females with coronary artery disease: results of twelve months follow-up.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS702). Type: Registry View Link

– Clinical performance of ultra-thin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents in young patients with coronary artery disease: results of twelve months outcomes.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS699). Type: Registry View Link

– Evaluation of ultra-thin strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent in patients with small coronary arteries (≤2.5 mm).
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS651). Type: Registry View Link

– Evaluation of clinical outcomes after ultra-thin strut (60 µm) biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent implantation in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS650). Type: Registry View Link

– One-year clinical outcomes of ultrathin biodegradable polymer coated sirolimus eluting stents in total occlusion: a multicentre, all-comer analysis.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-OP124) Type: Registry View Link

– One-year clinical outcomes of ultrathin biodegradable polymer coated sirolimus eluting stents for multivessel treatment.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS646). Type: Registry View Link

– One-year clinical outcomes of ultra-thin strut (60 μm) biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting coronary stents in diabetic patients.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS624). Type: Registry View Link

– Twelve-month clinical outcomes of an ultra-thin (60 μm) strut, biodegradable polymer-coated, sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in STEMI patients – A real-world, multi-centre experience.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS623). Type: Registry View Link

– Clinical outcomes of biodegradable polymer-coated ultrathin strut sirolimuseluting stents in a “real-world” patient population: two-year results from the T-flex registry.
Abstracts of PCR e-Course 2020, Vol. 16, Suppl. AC, June 2020 (Euro20A-POS652) Type: Registry View Link

– Physiology-guided revascularization versus optimal medical therapy of nonculprit lesions in elderly patients with myocardial infarction: Rationale and design of the FIRE trial.
Am Heart J. 2020 Nov;229:100-109. Type: Randomized Controlled Trial View Link

– A randomised controlled trial of the sirolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer ultra-thin Supraflex stent versus the everolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer SYNERGY stent for three-vessel coronary artery disease: rationale and design of the Multivessel TAL.
EuroIntervention. 2020 Dec 18;16(12):e997-e1004. Type: Randomized Controlled Trial View Link

– Real-world use of ultrathin-strut biodegradable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stents in patients with coronary artery disease: 6-month clinical outcomes.
Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2019;15:439–447 Type: Registry View Link